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The other week we joined the kids at Homegrown in Wellington. The cream of local music on five stages in one long day. Epic. But why? What is it that makes festivals so appealing? Festivals have been a part of our human experience for countless generations. Nevus has been celebrated for 5,000 years and signifies the day Noah returned to the land. In Turkey, it is marked by people jumping…
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From an early age, I learned about the social value of food. My late mum (bless her), committed many horrific food crimes when I was growing up. The arrival of the enormous wood-grained National microwave in the 1970s sparked her culinary nadir; destroying everything that went inside like some sort of nuclear kitchen holocaust. I still glow a bit under a certain light. Pure Delish But she did also pull…
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The overuse of digital devices from a work perspective has been blamed for everything from burnout to sleeplessness as well as relationship problems, with many employees uncertain of when they can switch off. Employees are more and more connected during hours outside of the office and the boundary between professional and personal life has become tenuous.  The so-called “always-on” work culture has led to a surge in usually unpaid overtime,…
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Talk about eyes wide open! Moving here from South Africa a little over a year ago, I wanted to find ways to submerge myself into this ‘whole new world’. Subscribing to anything and everything `New Zealand’ was my go-to. I mean I literally had to start all over again. This took form in many ways, one of which was finding “my brands”.  Being in SA all my life, I had…
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Day-in, day-out we are living in a world where a million things are competing for our attention, this “always-on culture” almost never sleeps. It’s a world that you create, feed and nurture. Be it your following on Instagram, your YouTube subscriptions or daily newsletters you sign up for. “Solitude is at its greatest premium. As the attention span of an entire generation is decimated to mere seconds, our responsibility to…
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Q&A with Alejandro Davila - AR/VR Producer @ Conical Studios The New Yorker posted that interactive storytelling would be the defining art form of the 21st century. I sat down for a chat with pal and AR/VR expert Alejandro Davila to discuss what makes an immersive experience less of a gimmick and more successful. What do you think is key to designing an immersive experience? AD: Whilst Virtual Reality and…
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Q&A with Mel Lee - Strategic Director @ Backchat Media Facebook threw us all a curveball at the beginning of this year, rolling out a series of changes in how it presents and serves up content. Posts by friends and family are now placing higher in our news feed, resulting in fewer posts from the publishers and businesses we follow. Now I thought who better to discuss these changes and…
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In the world of apps it’s a constant battle to grab the consumers undivided attention. With a market saturated with new apps daily, it’s difficult to stand out. The reality being consumers tend to stick with their go-to apps. So what chance do brands have to really attract consumers, push interaction and create revenue in a space dominated by social apps? The following are examples of brands that have broken…
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For most companies competing for Google or Facebook News Feed placement comes at a significant cost. Facebook algorithms are constantly being tweaked requiring companies to spend more money to maintain their already tenuous place on consumers’ news feeds. Likewise, bidding wars for Google Ad Words can see marketing budgets blown long before they were scheduled. Like it or not, it’s a fact of life.  So how then, do some companies…
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